How To

Launch a MEMO at Start Up with Stickies

OS 9 and OSX Classic:
1. Open Hard Drive > System Folder > Apple Menu Items.
2. Find the STICKIES Icon, make an alias of it by holding down OPTION-COMMAND and then dragging the STICKIES icon to the Desktop.
3. In System Folder, find and open STARTUP ITEMS Folder.
4. Drag the alias of STICKIES into the STARTUP ITEMS Folder.
5. Close all windows. Restart computer.
6. A STICKY MEMO NOTE should appear on the desktop.

1. Open System Prefs.
2. Open Accounts
3. Click Login Items tab.
4. Click + under Items Window, then locate the Application you wish to launch automatically at Login.
5.Click Add.
6. Close window, log out, then log in to see if App launches as desired.

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