September 24, 2012 - Hammondsport Mac Users Group

ATTENDING: Tom B, Bob S, Jerry L, Gene N and Ed M.

 TOPIC: Pet Peeves

The group shared some little irritations that annoy us about computers, software, e-mail, internet, etc.

Tom's list:
'In vogue' websites which use the latest stylish very light font colors which are difficult to read.
Mouse clicking vs. quicker ways to navigate a website or document (i.e. keyboard shortcuts such as tabbing, double-triple clicking, spacebar down, 2-finger scrolling, tap clicking)
Pop-up and pop-under ads and videos that begin playing without your input - disabling Safari Plugins helps stop some of this annoyance (Safari>Preferences>Security>uncheck Enable Plugins) - also you might add Safari AdBlock extension (Safari>Preferences>Extensions>Get Extensions> download AdBlock )
People who don't Google something first.
Not checking out e-mail hoaxes before forwarding them to everybody - read E-mail Etiquette tips.
Typing in 'http://' or 'www' in browser URL window - for example   works as well as

Jerry's list :
Slow start-up
The d*&%# Beach Ball
Keyboards that don't spell rite
Hard disks that fill up too fast
Batteries that discharge too fast
Hot laptops
Can't find neat website page again
Poor memory (oops, that's my memory)
Too expensive
Spell checkers that can't figure out what word I was trying to write
Slow computer that takes 8 hours to build a video
No place to enter a punched card
Cell phones that can't tolerate going thru a clothes washer and dryer
App icons that I forget what the app does (see poor memory, above)

Ed has been annoyed by his cursor accidentally activating hyperlinks which seem too sensitive - Gene suggested turning off the 'tapping' feature of his trackpad and it seemed to solve the problem.

Gene discovered settings in iCal which allowed him more flexibility in viewing his calendars, similar to older versions he had used.

Larry (who couldn't make this meeting) e-mailed news about the next big iPhone 5 change - - - for those who are peeved about the small size of their current iPhone - watch the promo video.

Bob was very content and shared no peeves.



AdBlock for Safari - donationware - pay by the honor system - blocks all types of annoying web ads - to install (Safari>Preferences>Extensions>Get Extensions> download AdBlock )

Project Gutenberg - 40,000 free downloads of digitized classics for e-readers, Kindles, iPads - example: Lewis + Clark journals

Lion Linen - elegant desktop background from Apple

How to create an install disc for Mt. Lion

8GB Flash Drive - small (but big) flashdrive for $7 - use for bootable install drive for Mt. Lion

Snow Leopard - is this solid OSX staging a comeback? See weekly share sales. Read article by Charles Moore.

Rosetta - What is it? It runs PPC apps on Intel. Can it be installed with Snow Leopard? Yes. Read how here.

Space Shuttle Endeavor - great in-flight photo (from Bob's son) of final ride to west coast - click picture for larger images of Endeavor.

Apple EarPods w/ remote and mic - $29 - recommended by Gene.

Cain at Gettysburg - by Col. Ralph Peters - book signing by author at Hammondsport Public Library - Thursday - Sept 27- 6:30pm



Luke Skywalker Binoculars that read your mind

How Apple Trains Geniuses - the training manual says you can't say these words

Older Men Who Use Computers Have Lower Risk of Dementia - some scholarly fodder to justify your time wasting.

Three old geezers were playing golf one morning.
The first exclaimed "It's windy today"
The second fellow replied "Wednesday? I thought it was Thursday"
The third man said "I'm thirsty, too. Let's go have a beer"


Hammondsport Mac Users Group - Hammondsport, NY 14840 -