December 3, 2018 - Hammondsport Mac Users Group ATTENDING : Tom B, Nancy D, Al J, John M, Bill M, Russ C, Daniel M. TOPIC : HOW TO BACKUP YOUR HARD DRIVE
5 BASIC STEPS 1) FIND INFO about your current computer (see how) 2) ORDER a new hard drive and enclosure (see how) 3) SETUP NEW HD + ENCLOSURE (see how) 4) FORMAT NEW HD (see how) 5) CLONE current HD to new external HD (see how)
Time Machine - Apple's free backup app on every macOS SuperDuper - free cloning app (full use upgrade -$28)
Carbon Copy Cloner - $39 (30-day free trial)
How to Connect Your iPhone or iPad to Your TV - read
NEXT MEETING - first Monday of each month
Hammondsport Mac Users Group - Hammondsport, NY 14840 -