November 4, 2019 - Hammondsport Mac Users Group

ATTENDING : Tom B, John M, Bill M, Russ C, Judy C and Gene N.


Our meeting revolved around some interesting discussions and personal observations of the darker side of all the amazing technology that connects us together and at the same time isolates us from personal relationships.


WATCH some of this video 17 min (2017)
A handful of people working at a handful of tech companies steer the thoughts of billions of people every day, says design thinker Tristan Harris - TED talk link in above article


Some Sample Branded Images that vie for our attention to capture blocks of our time through emotional responses


Here are more articles and studies related to this issue:


What Is Social Networking Addiction?

At Harvard University, researchers actually hooked people up to functional MRI machines to scan their brains and see what happens when they talk about themselves, which is a key part of what people do in social media. They found that self-disclosure communication stimulates the brain's pleasure centers much as sex and food do.


The five signs your child is addicted to their iPad - and how to give them a 'digital detox' (2013)



Parenting in the Era of Addictive Electronics (2017)

The evidence is mounting that screen time and electronics function like hard drugs for our kids. According to Dr. Victoria L. Dunckley, “screen time—particularly the interactive kind—acts like a stimulant, not unlike caffeine, amphetamines, or cocaine.” The dopamine released by the stimulation of electronics hits children especially virulently because their cerebral cortexes simply aren’t developed enough for them to feel satisfied with small doses or to self-regulate. “It’s not realistic to expect the brain to adapt to intense and artificial stimulation it was never meant to handle,” Dunckley adds. “It’s also not realistic to expect a child with still-developing frontal lobe to control their screen-time, whether that means managing how long they play a game, how they use or misuse social media, or how they behave afterward.”


Our minds can be hijacked
the tech insiders who fear a smartphone dystopia (2017)

He was particularly aware of the allure of Facebook “likes”, which he describes as “bright dings of pseudo-pleasure” that can be as hollow as they are seductive. And Rosenstein should know: he was the Facebook engineer who created the “like” button in the first place.


If tech addiction is screwing up our kids, what should tech giants be doing?(2018)

A strange thing happened when New York Times tech writer Nick Bilton interviewed Apple CEO Steve Jobs in 2010. At the end of the conversation, Bilton asked Jobs what his kids thought of Apple’s new tablet, news of which was dominating websites, newspapers, and magazines. Jobs’ answer surprised him: it turned out Steve’s kids hadn’t tried the iPad yet. “We limit how much technology our kids use at home,” Jobs said.

Bilton, stunned, reached out to Walter Isaacson, Jobs’ hand-picked official biographer, to find out whether he believed this to be true. Isaacson said that it was. “Every evening Steve made a point of having dinner at the big long table in their kitchen, discussing books and history and a variety of things,” he said. “No one ever pulled out an iPad or computer.



Phone Addiction Is Real -- And So Are Its Mental Health Risks (2017)


Last month, MIT’s Sloan Management Review published a clever experiment—professors at two business schools in Italy and France made giving up one's smartphone for a day a requirement of the students in their courses. Most of the students, who could plan what day they’d give up their phones, felt some degree of anxiety. They didn’t know what to do with the extra time, from eating breakfast to riding on public transportation. They also noted how often people who did have phones checked their phones—one student pointed out that his friend checked his phone four times in a 10 minute period—and that that was probably what they themselves looked like on a typical day.


Why Is Social Media Addiction Bad for Mental Health? (2016)

• Insecurity
• Cyberbullying
• Social Anxiety
• Distraction
• Fatigue and Stress
• Emotion Suppression
• Peer Pressure

There is no need to eliminate the use of social media networks from your life as long as you don’t develop an addiction to it. One of the primary reasons why social platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube are criticized is because they can lead to severe addiction. The pleasure centers in your brain are stimulated from social media activity as you get positive reinforcement through the likes and comments on your posts. This leads to the production of dopamine that can cause drug-related desires, hence leading to social network addiction.


Science Fair Project - mp4 (2019) - by Tom's 7th grade granddaughter


7 Scary Things You Never Knew About Cell Phone Addiction (2018)

New book: How To Break Up With Your Phone (

1. There's a test for cell phone addiction

2. "Phubbing" is a thing (phone snubbing)

3. Social media apps are designed to hook you

4. Smartphones and slot machines have something in common

6. Apps are selling the most valuable thing we have

7. There's a good reason tech innovators don't let their kids have devices

Do you feel like you can't concentrate anymore? Has your ability to remember things you've read gotten dramatically worse since you started doing the lion's share of your reading online? It's not your imagination. According to Price, when we read digital media, the cluttered landscape of links and ads and the short bursts of attention that are required by scrolling and swiping and tweeting result in a contradiction in terms: "an intensely focused state of distraction." And while that distraction seems like it should be temporary, its effects are actually chillingly long-term. "This type of frequent, focused distraction," she explains, "isn't just capable of creating long-lasting changes in our brains; it is particularly good at doing so."



Social Media Addiction - Some Steps to Fixing (2012)

• Monitor your time online. Keep a journal to clearly see how much time you are spending online.
• Limit how often you have access to the sites. Remove applications from your Smartphone or any handheld devices.
• Find a group or buddy to help keep you accountable. This is always very smart when you are battling an addiction.


The mother of all addictions, social media (2017)


Social Media Addiction – The Facts and Solutions (2017)

5 Signs that Should Make you Worry About Your Social Media use

1. Cooking to share on Instagram.

2. Sharing everything you do at anytime.

3. Knowing everything about people you don’t know very well.

4. Being unhappy, due to comparing yourself with social networks personas.

5. Being unhappy when you can not reach your phone.




Give up Watching / Listening to ALL NEWS on TV, Radio, Cell Phone, and Computer for 1 Week/Month/Year - see if your health improves by avoiding stress-producing sources of programmed anxiety


Alternative to Screentime: listen to Christian Music Streams such as Family Life Network, Bath, NY
(NOTE: click 'Cancel' on pop-up Mobile option)






How To Delete Multiple Names From iPhone CONTACTS With One Click

Download the free App called Groups from the App Store - read more here


NEXT MEETING - first Monday of each month


Hammondsport Mac Users Group - Hammondsport, NY 14840 -