February 1, 2021 - Hammondsport Mac Users Group ATTENDING : Tom B, Al J, Jim W, John M, Sandi S, Bill M, Jeannette F, Larry T, Russ C. TOPIC : ZOOM MEETING # 11 - CENSORSHIP Watch 1984 Apple Super Bowl Ad (1 Min) Introducing the Macintosh computer
SPECS: see video (26min)
Google - origin of name and purpose "Don't be evil" is Google's company slogan
Gaslighting - Definition: a tactic in which a person or entity, in order to gain more power, makes a victim question their reality. 1940 Movie - Gaslight - a man attempts to cause his wife to question her own sanity Psychology Today article - signs of gaslighting
Fact Checking - early websites such as Snopes and TruthorFiction have agendas too
Wikipedia - who are the real editors?
View actual historical screenshots of over 525 billion web pages from past 20 years. Search for webpage on Wayback Machine Watch video feature on Wayback Machine
Mozilla - type 'about:mozilla' into a Firefox URL window to see what comes up
1984 - novel by George Orwell (1949) - Winston Smith - main character works in the Ministry of Truth where he is in charge of disappearing history down memory holes and rewriting facts to match current state truths
BIG TECH CENSORSHIP - Part 1 (9 min) BIG TECH CENSORSHIP - Part 2 (8 min) (about Sharyl Attkisson/Full Measure)
Google Threatens to Cancel Australia
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Hammondsport Mac Users Group - Hammondsport, NY 14840 - www.hportmug.com