How To

Stop hackers in your Yahoo Mail

If you have received strange emails from known friends containing nothing but a cryptic URL link to some benign website advertising dieting recipes or similar mundane stuff, your friend's email service may have been hacked. Often these emails contain the complete address book of the friend in the recipient list. It is obviously more than just a typical spam. Notify your friend of what is happening with their email. They should change their password or possibly close that account altogether. If they use Yahoo Mail, send them a link to this webpage you are currently reading.

Here are some steps you might take to reduce the chances of your Yahoo mail account being hacked:

1. Log in to your Yahoo mail account and go to the window next to 'Sign Out'.

2. Select 'Account Information' - then Go.

3. On your Account page under 'Sign-in and Security' click on 'View your recent sign-in activity'.

4. A window will open showing all recent log-in activity from various locations in the world.

5. If anything seems unusual, you can do any of the following:

6. Example of an unusual log in:

7. Yahoo Mail currently provides a Second Password verification option (below) - just log into your Yahoo mail account, then click here.


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