August 22, 2011 - Hammondsport Mac Users Group ATTENDING: Tom B, Jack H, Dotti E, Gene N.
Actually, we could live without any of these applications . . perhaps even better. . . but we had fun talking about favorite Mac programs that we use daily. . . and learned some interesting things about each.
Safari (free) - still the best browser because it loads fast. For even more speed, disable 'Plug-ins' in Safari>Preferences>Security. If site requires Adobe Flashplayer, just re-enable plug-ins. Safari 5 for Leopard - Safari 4 for Tiger Firefox
(free) - secure, dependable web browser with many handy plug-ins -
from the slightly weird Mozilla group. For example, type about:mozilla into
a Firefox URL window to see a hidden message. Mozilla co-founder Brendan
Eich invented JavaScript. Stickies (free) - great for daily memos or To-Do list - can be set to automatically open at Log-in. (All the people that remembered the MUG meeting use this App. : ) Mail (free) - still the main reason most people even want to touch a computer. PowerPoint - can be installed from PowerPoint-for-Mac or MS Office for Mac- works cross platform. 1Password (free trial - $39 to buy) - manage all your website passwords with one click. Read a review. (Download 16.3mb) Audacity (free) - fantastic sound-recording application, with MP3 export capability. (see more) JAlbum (free) - convert a folder of images into a multi-page website with a single drop and click - in a few seconds, it creates all thumbs, reduced images, and html pages needed. (Tom prefers the older version 6.1) QuickTime (free) - handy Apple app for viewing downloaded YouTube videos (see how) or capturing live streaming music from internet via audio line-in. (This requires a 2nd computer. Play internet stream on 1st Mac which is connected to 2nd mac via stereo miniplug (sound out to sound in). Open QuickTime Pro on 2nd mac to New Audio Recording, adjust input levels, then record.) TextEdit (free) - handy word processor found in every Apple Applications folder - uses all fonts, colors, styles, tables, lists, images and hyperlinks - very fast loading. Good for testing a printer connection with a single dot (.) Dreamweaver - create your own websites with this WYSIWYG app (see a sample tutorial) - Tom uses an older Macromedia MX version ($99) to design and maintain the site your looking at. Preview (free) - view a folder of images one at a time or as a quick slideshow. AppDelete ($5) - completely removes any unwanted app (and all its parts) from your Mac with a single drag+drop - older free version 1.1.1 is available here. AppleWorks - all-in-one word processor, spreadsheet, drawing, painting windows - works in OS8.1 to OS10.6 Snow Leopard - if you don't have an original install disk, order here for $49. Read about some possible alternatives to AW beyond Snow Leopard. Dictionary (free) - while using any Apple application, right-click on a word to launch Dictionary - or hover over a word while pressing Ctrl+Com+D to pop-up definiton. Caffeine (free) - keep your Mac awake and running with one click - especially handy when downloading or copying a large file or doing extensive updating (download 240k)
Jerry sent his favorite apps with comments: Path Finder - a more powerful Finder. Internet related: Photography related:
Mac Serial Decoder - find Mac specs by entering the Serial #
in blank space, then 'Show the information' - the following letters
indicate where your mac was built. -
secure search here HARDWARE RocketFm returns!
- search eBay ($29.99
+ free shipping) - broadcast internet music to any FM radio in your
house or patio. Read PDF
manual. Fake Apple stores in China? - amazing knock-offs 10-year old hacker finds flaw in game On-line photos security threat? Paypal founder wants island utopias! More
Mozilla Manifesto - hooks, sheriffs and performance gurus TIPS - great tutorials for every Apple app can be found by clicking Help in the Desktop Menu. - use Command+-DRAG to rearrange icons. KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS - the group had some robust conversations revolving around iPhoto albums and KB shortcuts such as Com+Shift+4 to capture a portion of any screen. See more KB shortcuts. TUAW - find more great tips at The Unofficial Apple Website. - another short discussion revolved around how to add your name and copyright to a photograph. This can be easily done via Graphic Converter by using the Text Tool, typing in your name over the image, then use Option+G to produce the © symbol. View example.
Hammondsport Mac Users Group - Hammondsport, NY 14840 -