February 27, 2012 - Hammondsport Mac Users Group

ATTENDING: Tom B, Jack H, Gene N, Elaine T, Larry T, Bob M, Henry B, Diane B, Bob G, Jerry L.

TOPIC: Why Mac?

I like the startup sound! (listen)

Did you know that a variety of Mac chime sounds were used over the years, in different keys such as C, G and F? Read more about it here.

The group shared what each thought were the best reasons to buy and use a Mac computer.

GENE N: It just works.

JERRY L: Agreed with Gene. Also there is hardly ever a problem with viruses.

BOB G: Likes Apple's Mail application that filters out junk e-mails.

DIANE B: Macs are user-friendly. It was easy to make DVDs from Videos inserted into iMovie.

HENRY B: Used Apple computers early on to help do structural engineering.

JACK H: First used an Apple computer to create maps while recovering in hospital.

LARRY T: Used Apple computer in mid-80s to create quick image dupes for various art processes.

BOB M: Created DVDs from digital photos taken on trip to Italy.

TOM B: Command-Shift-4


COMMAND+SHIFT+4 - this keyboard shortcut allows you to capture an instant picture of any part of any screen, including the internet. Tom demonstrated this by taking a picture of the small Apple logo in Desktop Menu. The resulting PNG file can be 'Saved As' a new file in various formats such as JPEG and GIF. Did you know the COMMAND symbol is called a Bowen Knot?

TIP: Use COM-SHIFT-4 with SPACEBAR to capture an entire open window.

See a step-by-step tutorial of how to use COM-SHIFT-4 to capture multiple pictures in a single image.


Why You'll Love a Mac - Apple site

Why Apple Is Winning - 'it just works' (from a recent convert)

Mac 101 - Apple's help page for getting started with Mac

Grand Tour of Mac Interface

Lesson 1: The Finder

Lesson 2: The Desktop

Lesson 3: The Dock

Lesson 4: Stacks

Lesson 5: Mission Control

Lesson 6: Applications, Files, and Folders

Lesson 7: Set Your Preferences

Lesson 8: Mac Essentials

My First Mac - great tips and tutorials for new (and old) Mac users



- free and easy way to share large files between computers and friends.

BatChmod - change a batch of file permissions with a few clicks - OSX Tiger to Lion - free


Nomad Brush - paint your own pictures using real brush tool on iPad



OSX 10.8 - first desktop OS since 1984 not to be prefixed with 'Mac'

Mountain Lion to Debut in Summer 2012 - read David Pogues review of new features

Apple's Preview of OSX 10.8

Gatekeeper in OSX 10.8 - what it means for Mac security

Best Anti-Virus Apps for Mac - top 13 apps reviewed

Scroogle bites the dust - Google smiles.



In Mail, you can get rid of incorrect e-mail addresses that auto-fill as you type. See how.

Use KB shortcut COMMAND-comma to open Preferences of any application.

Easily create a website 'hyperlink' in any Mail or TextEdit document.


Hammondsport Mac Users Group - Hammondsport, NY 14840 -