Past Meetings

October 3, 2016 - Hammondsport Mac Users Group

ATTENDING : Tom B, Gene N, Nancy D, John M, Al J and Jerry L.


Opening question for discussion:

When was the last time you used your computer for something constructive? (i.e. actual work rather than social media, email, entertainment or web browsing) - - - and what did you do?

Jerry: editing a video shot during recent tour through the old powerplant near Keuka Lake

John: putting together the monthly newsletter for his local Railroad Historical Society

Gene: tracking his progress on 2800 bike miles via spreadsheet

Al: filing and sorting extensive photo libraries on multiple devices

Nancy: was able to completely delete an unwanted app (Ghostery) from her MacPro

Tom: composing and publishing HMUG meeting highlights and our website




How to Remove an Unwanted Application (and all its hidden parts) from Your Mac

- - - AppCleaner - works on all operating systems, including macOS Sierra - FREE


How to Upgrade to macOS Sierra - latest Apple operating system 10.12


How to Make Bootable Install DIsk for macOS Sierra - on 8GB USB Drive


DiskMaker X - free app to make a bootable install disk for macOS Sierra


How to Sync and Use 1Password with your Mac, iPhone and iPad

- - - via iCloud

- - - via DropBox

- - - via WYLAN Server (Wireless Local Area Network)




Why some Mac users won’t abandon 16-year-old software (OS9) - read article


Cantilevered Glass Swimming Pool 26 floors up - read article from Des Moines Register




Thanks, Larry!


Draw a Stickman - fun for children (and retired adults) - go to the site, click on an episode 1 (Dragon) or episode 2 (Tree). Using your finger (or mouse), draw a 'stickman' - then click DONE. Follow the directions.


NEXT MEETING - November 7 (first Monday) - 10:30am - Bring your favorite little-known Mac tricks

Reminder: our website can be easily searched for a term, app or name by using the freefind search window next to title

Hammondsport Mac Users Group - Hammondsport, NY 14840 -

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